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Real Stories

This section includes stories from anonymous people that have or still suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder. These stories are from Project Experience and gives great insight into what they have gone through. 

AmoriaKane 18-21, F


I put way too much pressure on myself at work to be perfect even though I'm still learning how to do my job. Part of the GAD is feeling constantly like one mistake is the worst thing in the world and could get me fired. I'll work for a few hours and come home exhausted and hate myself. I love my job, why do my mental issues try and ruin it for me?

Alikansso1990 22-25, M


I first experienced General Anxiety Disorder about 6 months ago. It was a normal day like any other days. I was a bit stressed at work and sleep deprived, I jumped in my car on the way home and all of sudden I felt my heart racing while I was driving I felt dizzy I felt my face was all numb and I found it difficult to breath and concentrate while driving. At first I thought I was having a stroke and I was going to die. I felt so scared but I decided to keep driving to the nearest hospital. As I continued driving I started feeling a bit better and when I reached the doctor I was still feeling unwell. The doctor checked my heart which seemed normal and did some blood tests later on and advised that everything was normal and advised that this could be due to high level of stress and anxiety and this was the first time I was aware of it. I started reading about it and I found that my symptoms are matching. Since then I experience it every now and then and I get paranoid about my health a lot. I am about to start an online treatment course for anxiety and hopefully that would help. I didn't manage to eliminate anxiety but I managed to control my anxiety and panic attacks by thinking that's it's only a panic attack and nothing serious and that it will go away soon. Thinking that way seemed to help me a bit. The symptoms of anxiety seemed a bit milder now and it doesn't last as long. I also try to keep my thoughts away from what's worrying me and I try to go out more often and face my fears as well. I don't let my anxiety makes socially awkward instead it keep trying to go out and socialize even if am afraid I would have a panic attack while am around people. It also helps to think that you're not alone and that other people had the same issue as well. Read a lot about it and Seek doctors advice that might prescribe some medication in case you need it (but try to avoid medication unless you really really need it) and try natural treatment too.


Finally try to relax all the time. Take a hot bath when you feel stressed and also try drinking chamomile tea it worked very well for me

Mlcj 22-25, F


I have not been diagnosed yet with GAD but I'm almost positive it is what I have. Ever since I was a child I always worried about what others thought of me. I know everyone does at some point or another but this was a constant worry. I still have this problem and when I'm out and about I constantly worry people are judging me. Like if I'm at a grocery store, I feel like everyone is watching and judging what I'm doing. I also have a fear of hurting people's feelings and will do almost anything to avoid conflict.

Annabaggett 18-21, F


"It's all in your head" 

I have heard this so many times that I cannot count. I am overwhelmed with worry. I thought it started when my mother died when I was 12, but I am beginning to think I've always struggled with this. I did not have the best childhood. My parents fought a lot. Throughout school, my anxiety has cost me many relationships with friends and boyfriends. I have been in a relationship now for 4 years now and I thought that I had overcome my worries, but they are creeping back into my head. I feel like a crazy person. I feel like no one understands. People disregard mental illnesses because they are hard to understand. I do not want to worry anymore. I sincerely cannot take it. I have never thought about suicide and I would never do that. I just feel like this disorder is ruining my relationships with family, friends, and my boyfriend. I don't know what to do. I guess it would be nice to have someone to talk to that understands. I am attending my 3rd year of college now. Life is going to throw me more challenges. I need to get help....

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Story 1 - AmoriaKane 18-21, F
Story 3 - Mlcj 22-25, F
Story 2 - Alikansso1990 22-25, M
Story 4 - Annabaggett 18-21, F

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